Our Stories
Year 2017
October 2017

An Unforgettable Journey - Mr Chua Kia Heng

October 01, 2017

Mr Chua Kia Heng - An Unforgettable Journey

Mr Chua Kia Heng, 87, is a man with an unforgettable journey. A stroke left him bed-bound, and highly dependent on his caregivers for daily-living activities such as feeding and clothing. He plunged into depression, helpless in his circumstance.

An Account of Mr Chua’s Journey
August 2016
I was in the toilet washing up as I prepared to go to bed. Suddenly, my head started spinning and my legs gave way but I quickly grabbed onto the railing and screamed for help! Yati, my helper immediately came to my rescue. I had suffered a stroke in my own bathroom…

September 2016
I cannot use the left side of my body. I have been in and out of a public hospital for treatment, and staying in a community hospital for the whole month. I can only lie on this bed and rely on my family and helper. I cannot feed myself or wear my own clothes! I feel like a burden.

March 2017
My recovery is slow and I still need a wheelchair to move about. When I try standing up, my joints stiffen and I give up. But I will start rehabilitation sessions at St Luke’s ElderCare (SLEC) Nee Soon Central Centre. I really hope the sessions can help me do things on my own soon!

August 2017
I am in my fifth month of rehabilitation now. I can walk up to 100m on slight slopes and uneven terrains on my own! Life is less depressing and I have also made new friends with other clients at the centre. My family and helper are so happy to see my progress in the past few m onths!

An Account of Mr Chua’s Physiotherapist: Jennifer
When Mr Chua first entered SLEC, he was withdrawn and negative due to his depression. Within two months, he could stand and take a few steps on his own! His family members are amazed by his progress and constantly send me videos of Mr Chua walking on his own around the house. He is more open and often shares about his life all the time!
