
Volunteers play an integral role at St Luke’s ElderCare. We are always on the lookout for volunteers and partners to support us in our various eldercare services to transform community care. Read on below to find out more about how you can contribute!


Our Volunteering Opportunities
Community Befriender Befriend elders in the community to ensure their wellbeing, provide support, build trust, and reduce social isolation.
Activity Facilitator Facilitate activities for elders in the community to encourage active ageing. These include Zumba, Pilates, art and craft, baking, etc.
Operational Support Assist with administrative tasks and/or other operational tasks such as answering of phone calls, attendance taking, arranging chairs and other duties.
Concierge Support Provide ad-hoc concierge support for vulnerable elders living in the community. For instance, helping to deliver groceries and/or changing of light bulb.

*Applicable to St Luke’s ElderCare’s Active Ageing Centres (Care) only

Others Assistance in other areas is also welcomed. For instance, fundraising initiatives, graphic designing, photography, and ad-hoc projects etc.

For an Individual Volunteering opportunity, click here to register.

For a Group Volunteering opportunity and if you have any queries, kindly email us at volunteer@slec.org.sg.